Saturday, December 12, 2009

Almost Over!


December is half over (almost) and I've been BUSY!

So far, I:

*Have gotten a JOB!

*Registered and been awarded financial aid for the Spring '10 semester of college

*Paid off my CAR!!!! {Yay, no more threats to impound, haha!}

*Graduated from Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University" (well, as of tomorrow 12/13!!) :)

*Seen "A Christmas Story", the play at Boise Little Theatre

*Taken our family Christmas photo and managed to get Berlyn looking at the actual camera.

*Experienced the mall at Christmastime {not too bad, surprisingly}

*Triumphed over my former employer {and their unprofessional, dishonest and evil ways} by winning my unemployment claim! Karma, karma, karma, karma. Karma.

*Spent many, many hours giggling at my daughter and the things that come out of her mouth. The BEST one? Eeyore is actually pronounced "Eewhore" you know :O

*Turned down TWO dates with former "boyfriends" and felt good about it. They are NOT good enough for me!

*Spent hours laughing my BUTT off at South Park, Sesame Street and Disney "bloopers" with my brother and sister (in law) feels good to be a total goof every once in awhile!

*Unfortunately ate some disgusting little bugs (not on purpose!) that got into the hot chocolate mix in our pantry. I am scarred for life and vow to never drink hot chocolate again :(

*Had to stop myself from actually buying a "vampire" magazine because it had a giant poster of "Edward" in it...Amanda was all set to let me buy it! Pssh! If your friends can't protect you from yourself; who can? LOL!

*Reading, reading, reading! And, seeing many great flicks too. The Arts make me so happy :)

2010 is ALMOST HERE!!! I am beside myself with excitement. So much to do, so many plans! I cannot wait!

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. It is snowing here..I hate it but, I do enjoy looking at it, haha.
If I don't "talk" to any of you until 2010, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

All my love,
Sarah ♥

(and Berlyn too!)


Purnell Family said...

I LOVE your outlook on life!! It's Great!!! Can't wait to see you and Berlyn early Monday morning! :)

Tom said...

Congrats on the new job! And finishing Financial Peace U! I love dave ramsey; such good advice always. Happy holidays!