Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Pitch

Not 24 hours after I sent off a query letter to several publishers, I got a call. Actually, I got three. But who's counting.!

Upon hearing the message(s) I was skeptical. I didn't want to get my hopes all. I know that rejections (and even scams) are all part and parcel of being a writer. So, I was trying to be realistic. And calm.

I don't take rejection very well. One of the many reasons I a) don't date or b) play the lottery.

With all the research I did, the single best advice I found about submitting a query:
"It’s an important page. An editor or agent is going to read over that one page and decide if they want to read any of that wonderful story you sweated blood and tears over."

So it was up to me to present it in a way that would grab them and intrigue them. Based on the nature of my subject, I wasn't worried about that so much as I was that they would maybe feel there wasn't a market for it. That was the tricky part.
Here is a little glimpse of where some of my inspiration came from. Not all, but the structure in which these books are written is how I plan to present it all.

A quick synopsis of what I am doing: Imagine a combination of those three books (pictured above) and then add in my own experiences as a teenage runaway battling major depression:  I plan to be honest, real and open all while keeping a sense of humor. I believe this is the only way to go.

I am making this a work of non-fiction. What's against me? Well, for starters, non-fiction is usually only as popular as who is writing it or the subject matter. Obviously, I'm no celebrity or expert in anything. And as I have mentioned I am a person of little (or zero) ego so I really don't think ANYONE would be interested in what I have to say. At all. But maybe, just maybe, someone will be.
The other potential problem? Hurting or "defaming" others in the process. Obviously a lot of my experiences involve family, friends and others. So, I plan on being as discreet and respectable as possible. And confidential. Name changing is a definite in this case. I respect people enough to do that much.

Stay Tuned! I will know more as the events unfold. And yes, I still feel like
throwing up.

1 comment:

Purnell Family said...

I absolutely LOVE that you are writing a book. That's Awesome!!I know that you'll get some calls on it soon!