Saturday, September 24, 2011

Adjusting the (Blogging) Sails.

When I first started my blog, in 2007, I had no idea what I was doing.
I jumped on the bandwagon, full force. Over the years I've tried to figure out what EXACTLY I wanted my blog to represent and/or say about me. Or to others. The key is to share about yourself, your life, your thoughts, etc but not OVER SHARE. That is simply impossible for some people to do, myself included.

I am still not 100% sure how to attain this perfect symmetry of blog perfection, but I am getting there. I think.

As I'm attempting to bring together all of my ideas and go in a different direction with my personal blog, I stumbled across Elle Dark's site (her tumblr, actually - everyone needs to have one!). I love her style. She definitely inspires me to think outside the box a little. Visit her here --------->

Stay tuned for some fresh and fun things from me.....soon, soon, soon!

Ciao! xo

photo courtesy of Elle Dark

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