Sunday, November 1, 2009

November - One Year Ago

2009 was a year of lots and lots of ch-ch-changes. Some big, some bad, some better than I could have imagined. And, I have to be honest - I'm happy with where I have ended up. There is something so liberating about not regretting your past or your mistakes. You need to enjoy everything there is - everything!

Last November, I got to participate in a life-long dream of mine; being a real live PIN-UP GIRL! One of my dear friends has become quite a phenemonal & gifted photographer here in Boise and she snapped some pics for her new "boudoir" portfolio she was working on.

Here is the link to my session:
Lucid Design & Photography - Boudoir Shoot, November 2008

And, a few of my personal favorite photos from that day:

I really was so honored to get to participate in this session, especially since I've dealt with body-image issues, eating disorders and low self-esteem my entire life.  I'm extremely proud of myself for doing this and I will look back on the experience with great memories. Thanks again, Jayme! You're really just amazing.

**All images are property of Lucid Design & Photography


~*~ amanda ~*~ said...

You are GORGEOUS, inside and out. xo

Elizabeth Elmgreen said...

I did a photo session last year too. It was really amazing! You look great in the pictures. I have mine hanging in my bedroom and bathroom so I can enjoy them...they were so expensive.

Kori said...

Wow gorgeous shots girlie. I can't believe you have struggled with body look phenomenal. You changed the blog name right? I will update my blog roll! Take care friend! Kori xoxo

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo! Very nice pics!!

Miss Go Lightly said...

Beautiful pics sexy mama! =)