Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bitten by the bug.

My entire life has consisted of one constant theme: ART.

I am destined for it. In what way? I still am not entirely sure.
I spent my early childhood being a mad, dramatic lil thespian. And dancer. I then plummeted into my greatest love, writing; around age 12. I stil yearn to take pen to paper all the time, but sometimes it isn't enough.
My love of VISUALS started even sooner than those, I think.
My room was always PLASTERED from floor to ceiling with scraps of magazines, photos, posters, drawings, etc....I love to LOOK at things. I get inspired by images.
Recently, I feel this fire. When I think of CREATING my very OWN images. Whether it's me in front of the lens...or behind it? I want both!
What's so wrong with desiring things? Nothing. Unless you intend to ACT on them.

I think I will. Let's see where this goes, shall we? :)


Roxi Sweetheart said...

I know, you and I will always be alike in the artistic ways of admiration. Meaning we LOVE THE ARTS in pretty much every shape and form. BUT we don't know EXACTLY where we fit into it as a whole...meaning which talent in the arts is our NICHE?
For you its writing which is awesome! But career wise also where do we want to go...or more realistically where CAN we go?
The answer is I suppose maybe the obvious...> we need to TEST AND TRY our skills...whatever interests we THINK we have take classes and get out there and do some hobbies....hopefully leading to a more fulfilled lifestyle!
Next is just making the TIME since we have kids. But its all worth it at the end of the day...knowing we feel completely fulfilled and good about ourselves.
xoxox's I think this is going to be our "turning point" year for some REAL CHANGES FOR THE BETTER FINALLY!

Anonymous said...

Its so funny though. Because, I was seriously thinking the same thing the past few days. Even before you and Ian had these recent issues.
I seriously think that in some ways cyberspace although it is a good escape for me, it sometimes would hinder my own life. In that I would be doing that instead of important things with my family.
It can be addicting too.
But, for me myspace really was entertainment and really having fun connecting with you:) Finding new music and meeting new people.
But, the past few months I haven't been on it half as much as I used to. And, my life is improving because of it. My family and I are much happier.
I've always been a pretty private person. SO myspace was a good way for me to be myself and yet show some of my private life and let it be known what I'm about. Because indeed I am proud of who I am. Although, this last week or so I'm changing. I'm ready for the next stage/step in my life. Meaning I want to really EXPLORE life instead of caring about what my latest updates are. Which is time consuming and tedious and I never feel that I can convey what's really going on inside me. SO I don't bother ha. I don't need myspace or facebook. I'm keeping them just on the side to keep in touch with family and some friends. But I don't know I've been contemplating getting rid of myspace for sure since your gone and you were the main reason I kept it in the first place. The good news is me and Jonathan and the girls are doing better than we have. And were growing as a family. All I want is the best for me and my family. SO that's my goal, and I really want to work on myself and I don't have time to waste it on these websites that are meaningless.
Love you, its a good thing. Now you can focus more on life:D