Monday, July 27, 2009

Glamazon of the Moment: Lisa Marie Presley

So, yeah. I know many,many people may not agree with my choice of today's Glamazon.

But, as I have said previously on my Glamazon posts: beauty has a different definition for everyone. There are people that the public finds soooo attractive that I think are disgusting. LOL. Everyone is entitled to like who they like.

Lisa Marie means a great deal to me. I have been compared to her (physically) for about 10 years or so. I take it as a compliment :-)

I discovered her music when I was about 25. And, I have never been the same. She is incredibly poetic & introspective. And raw. Her emotion comes right through the song. I would recommend listening to her. Nothing like her Dad (which, wouldn't be a bad thing; I love Elvis!) but she is her own person entirely.

Gotta love the tough ones too! :) She really is an inspiration to me. Strong women, who speak their minds & are beautiful & smart - how could you not be a fan?

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