Monday, June 29, 2009

A Day at the Park

Sometimes it's the little things in life that make everything wonderful, and worthwhile.

This past weekend, I went to Ann Morrison Park. I was joined by my Mom, my brother, his wife, Cari & their friend, Ely...and, of course, Berlyn :)

It was a *beautiful* 90 degree, sunny day in Boise. Berlyn goes NUTS the minute she is outside, so naturally...she was EVERYWHERE, and giggling the entire time. We played on the playground, fed ducks (and geese..which, I am NOT a fan of, but as a make sacrifices, lol), played kickball & ate yummy BBQ. I also taught Berlyn how to kill ants (much to my Mother's dislike).

I find more & more that who you spend your time with has a great effect on your state of mind, and well-being.
My mom, brother, sister in law & daughter are some of my most favorite people so it's no surprise I had such a fantastic day.

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